Work With Us

Whether you'd like us to simply install your template, or to customise it completely, we've got a way to help you!

Template Installation

We’ll install your template & input your copy, colours and imagery in 1 day.

Template installation is perfect for you if: 

  • You don't have time to it yourself, you've got a lot on your plate and want to delegate the task.
  • You're not a big fan of tech and prefer to hand over the installation to ensure everything is setup correctly.
  • You want someone to input your images, fonts, colours and copy so that you don't have to spend time doing it yourself.

Investment: $2000USD

Includes Website Template*

Template Restyle

We’ll install your template & input your copy, colours and imagery and heavily customise 5 pages in 5 days.

Template Restyle is perfect for you if: 

  • You want to use one of our templates as a base and have it transformed into a one-of-a-kind website for your business.
  • You want someone to input your images, fonts, colours and copy so you don't have to spend time doing it yourself
  • You want your website set up and ready to launch within a week 

Investment: $4000USD

Includes Website Template*

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Not making enough sales on your website? 

Let's fix that! Grab our free 12+ page checklist of changes you can make to your website right now, to ensure it's set up to bring in sales.

Design by The Website Stylist